Galen of the Ozdachs Pack (ozdachs) wrote,
Galen of the Ozdachs Pack

Sales on Tales -- Link to Discounts on Tales of the City Tickets

ACT's Tales of the City is closing on the 31st.  Geoff and I have seen it twice and loved it... especially the second time when some sound mushines had been fixed.

ACT is offering some discounted tickets ($45 orchestra seats).  I say go for it!

Discount Link:

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<P>ACT's <EM>Tales of the City</EM> is closing on the 31st.&nbsp; Geoff and I have seen it twice and loved it... especially the second time when some sound mushines had been fixed.

ACT is offering some discounted tickets ($45 orchestra seats).&nbsp; I say go for it!

Discount Link: &nbsp;<A href="">;dlv_id=17224</A>

<a href="<A href=""><IMG title="Tales of the City Discount Tickets" border=0 alt="Tales of the City on Sale" src="" width=650 height=130></a></P>

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